3 Red Flags to Look for Before You Take the Job

All jobs are not created equal. Some are good while others are bad. Bad for your professional growth, bad for your mental health, bad for your financial stability, or bad for your work-life balance.

The list goes on and on.

To prevent yourself from jumping from one job and rushing to take a job that will make you even more miserable, it’s critical to treat any interview you enter as if you’re also interviewing them just as much as they are interviewing you. You should determine if the company and team are a good fit for you as much as the hiring manager is discerning if you’re a good fit for the company.

When you’re searching for a new job, it can be easy to take the first job offer that comes your way. You might be motivated by the salary or the company’s reputation, but without the right foresight you could end up in a job that you’re not truly happy with.

Below we share our list of red flags to watch out for before you accept that offer letter.

1. The company culture doesn’t align with your own values

Do some research about the company before you apply, but also don’t be afraid to ask during the interview what the culture of their company is like. Your work environment can play a big role in your success at the company, so you want to find a place that you can feel comfortable in.

Ask questions like: What is their level of employee engagement? Then try to talk to current employees and see if their experience matches what the hiring managers shares about the company.

2. The company doesn’t celebrate the success of their own employees

Make sure you ask how the company celebrates success and achievements during your interview. This can be a big indicator as to how management recognizes or rewards their employees.

In your future boss’s explanation, pay attention to whether they use “I” more than they use “we.” If they are focusing more on themselves, this might point to a lack of appreciation and value of their employees.

3. The interview process is unorganized or rushed

Carefully evaluate what the interview process is like.

Were you asked about your strengths and weaknesses, future goals, your idea of a good work environment, and how you can contribute to the company or organization? The interview process can often reflect the company’s management style. If you don’t like the focus or style of the interviews, that is probably a good indicator that you won’t like the overall work style of the office.

Does it seem like they are just trying to get the position filled as soon as possible? Are they disorganized and rushed? A need to quickly fill a position might mean there’s a high turnover rate within the company, and a high turnover rate indicates employee dissatisfaction with the company.

It is also important to evaluate the communication styles throughout the entire process. Are the interviewers and human resources department responsive? Professional? Is their communication style clear and requests in line with your work style? If you aren’t jiving with their communication style even before you’re hired, you won’t like conversing with these colleagues on a day-to-day basis either.

So long story short, be on the lookout for red flags. Don’t take the first job offer that comes your way. Make sure the position is a good fit in regard to the company’s management style, communications style, and employee engagement.

What other red flags would you add to this list? Have you experienced anything in your interview process that was off-putting and made you decide to not move forward with the job?