washington dc

Tell Us Your Story: Ted Moorman

Tell Us Your Story: Ted Moorman

Here at TNM, we have a large community of people who are inspired by our words, tips, and real world advice. Last month we featured three of our contributing editors who help us generate content. This month we are featuring some members of our greater community who are equally as inspiring through the Tell Us Your Story: Young Professional Series here on our blog. These people have found their Niche, and want to share their story with you. Our third feature is young professional Ted Morman, who picked up and moved to Dc in order to switch from a long career in teaching finance to target careers in kleptocracy, foreign corruption, and illicit finance.

That's It, We're Breaking the Conference Model

That's It, We're Breaking the Conference Model

NicheCon has always been about two things. One, the stories. Two, bringing two communities together: those that love what they do and those who aspire to love what they do (find their niche). The conference is also about the unique career journey and practical advice from the handpicked roster of 25+ speakers from across the country to deliver their lessons learned.