digital storytelling

Stay Foolish

Stay Foolish

For the last 17 months, everyday has been different from the last. I’ve written,talked, tweeted, and snapped about unpredictability, up’s & down’s, hustle, motivation/confidence (and lack there-of) and just about everything else that comes with entrepreneurship and building a business.

But today, on April 1st, there is another milestone. On 4/1/15, I wrote a blog post about what I learned in my first 7 months and shared the news that I was officially joining the WeWork system and getting a desk that I would be paying with my own money. 

Tools to Create An Effective Social Media Strategy - Part 1 - Buffer

 Tools to Create An Effective Social Media Strategy - Part 1 - Buffer

Part 1 in a 5 part series to help you level up your social media game right now. Read Kevin's tips on using Buffer, scheduling posts, and how to sort through all the noise to achieve your social media engagement goals! 

Written by: Kevin O'Connell

4 Tips You Can Implement To Help You Create Compelling Content

4 Tips You Can Implement To Help You Create Compelling Content

How do you create content to tell your story? Be intentional about it.

Whether we use it to our advantage or not, headed into 2016, we as individuals and organizations are media companies. With a camera in our smartphone we can now tell our story (or thoughts, concerns, or feelings) with the push of a button on a variety of platforms that is then amplified to 50 or 5,000 followers. Unfortunately, several organizations haven’t grasped that they are also a media company and need to put out content. Instead, they rely on traditional marketing tactics with a push “buy my product” mentality.

- Kevin O'Connell

How to Connect With Your Followers by Humanizing Your Brand on Social Media

How to Connect With Your Followers by Humanizing Your Brand on Social Media

Today now more than ever, our society has access to unlimited information to help us decide whether we choose to do business with an organization and what opinion we have of them based on the content we come across. It may sound like common sense headed into 2016 that your organization needs to be "authentic" and "genuine" as it relates to your organization's social media, marketing, and leadership.

Graphic Design 101 (featuring Canva)

Graphic Design 101 (featuring Canva)

Why is good design so important? And why is it such a big deal to spend precious time making sure what you put out into the world looks good? The fact of the matter is that people are naturally drawn to things that are visually attractive and impactful. - Robyn Park