social media

Finding The Courage To Pursue Your Passion: Editor Q&A

Finding The Courage To Pursue Your Passion: Editor Q&A

Meet Jaylene Perez, our social media intern and a senior at George Washington University, working towards a BA in English. From a young age and through the example her parents set, Jaylene knew you didn’t have to have a traditional career path to be happy and love what you do. Learn more about what Jaylene is doing to pursue her passions in our Q&A.

How to Become an NYC Social Influencer | Fireside Chat with Founder of Don’t Sit Home

On June 14th, 2017, we sat down with the solopreneur and founder of Don't Sit Home, Amanda Morrison, for our sixth fireside chat part of our NicheCon series. 

We talked about the importance of social media as a branding tool for business, past job experiences, maintaining connections, networking and much more. In this chat, Kevin interviews Amanda on her journey from a stable day job running copyright law at Associate Press to the responsibilities of being her own boss managing Don't Sit Home. 

Amanda was able to take this leap of faith in her professional career because of the passion she has for what she does. The road to thriving in her business was paved with lots of adversity, but she held her professional knowledge dear and was able to establish a solid foundation to her business today.

Don't Sit Home® is a social media management and event planning service that embodies the mission of a total experience. Amanda has been driving this side hustle for a number of years and decided to make it her full time job in May 2014. Her ultimate goal is to inspire anyone and everyone to go out and live their passions in a unique way. This is a much watch (or listen) to anyone in eventing planning, travel, social media, or trying to take a side hustle to full-time. 



Tools to Create An Effective Social Media Strategy - Part 1 - Buffer

 Tools to Create An Effective Social Media Strategy - Part 1 - Buffer

Part 1 in a 5 part series to help you level up your social media game right now. Read Kevin's tips on using Buffer, scheduling posts, and how to sort through all the noise to achieve your social media engagement goals! 

Written by: Kevin O'Connell

4 Tips You Can Implement To Help You Create Compelling Content

4 Tips You Can Implement To Help You Create Compelling Content

How do you create content to tell your story? Be intentional about it.

Whether we use it to our advantage or not, headed into 2016, we as individuals and organizations are media companies. With a camera in our smartphone we can now tell our story (or thoughts, concerns, or feelings) with the push of a button on a variety of platforms that is then amplified to 50 or 5,000 followers. Unfortunately, several organizations haven’t grasped that they are also a media company and need to put out content. Instead, they rely on traditional marketing tactics with a push “buy my product” mentality.

- Kevin O'Connell