Jessica Lutz

4 Books to Read in 2019 if You Have Big Plans

4 Books to Read in 2019 if You Have Big Plans

Put these four books on your 2019 reading list, and you’ll be making big moves in no time. Whether it’s finding meaning with Victor Frankl and vulnerability with Brené Brown or learning to work smarter with Morten T. Hansen and make stronger decisions with David DeSteno, all four of these books provide the tools necessary to make bigger, bolder, and truer career changes in 2019. These books will help you be confident in your direction and decisions.

Solving The Underemployment Problem (Podcast)

Solving The Underemployment Problem (Podcast)

The Niche Movement founder Kevin O'Connell and Forbes contributor Jessica Lutz discuss the issue of underemployment. Jessica’s main advice for young people trying to get a job is to keep at it. It can take a long time, but if you keep pursuing your goals, a door will be opened for you.