love your job

5 Steps to Put Yourself on the Right Career Path

5 Steps to Put Yourself on the Right Career Path

Niche Movement community member, Kalie Sabajo, wrote in to answer the Niche Movement’s latest community question: How did you use a moment of stagnation as inspiration to propel yourself forward? There’s nothing worse than going to work and feeling utterly stuck. You could be stuck in a toxic work environment, stuck in an unfulfilling position, or stuck in a rut. The Niche Movement seeks to help people escape that rut to find work that they love. Read Kalie’s story to find some inspiration of your own.

Using Essentialism to Find Your Niche

Using Essentialism to Find Your Niche

"In a world that has elevated busyness to a value, essentialism is a move that lets an individual decide what is most important, what speaks the most loudly, and what is most worthy of time spent. For those seeking to find a niche, determining where your energy goes (or should go) is an - pardon the pun - essential part of the process."

Written  by: Amma Marfo