
5 Steps to Discovering your Niche

5 Steps to Discovering your Niche

Truth is, it’s hard work to find your niche.

Why don’t most people know what their niche is? Because they haven’t taken the time to explore their interests. I believe that discovering your passion, niche, or purpose is a direct result of exploring your interests (or what you think you might be interested in) and then following those interests and seeing what crazy places it takes you to.

However, I understand that finding your personal niche is much easier said then done. So, in an attempt to de-mystify how to find your niche, I have created a step by step process on how you can approach the long, arduous journey of discovering your niche.

Using Essentialism to Find Your Niche

Using Essentialism to Find Your Niche

"In a world that has elevated busyness to a value, essentialism is a move that lets an individual decide what is most important, what speaks the most loudly, and what is most worthy of time spent. For those seeking to find a niche, determining where your energy goes (or should go) is an - pardon the pun - essential part of the process."

Written  by: Amma Marfo 

5 Signs You've Joined the Rat Race & Steps To Get Out

5 Signs You've Joined the Rat Race & Steps To Get Out

Ever feel like you're going 'round and 'round at your job and aren't getting anywhere? Maybe your job isn't what you thought it was going to be and you're ready for something new? Emilie shares how to know if you've joined the rat race, what to do, and how to break the cycle! 

Written by: Emilie Buckley