Career Journey

How a Job Loss Landed Me My Next Opportunity

How a Job Loss Landed Me My Next Opportunity

The Niche Movement’s Leap of Faith series features stories about big life changes and major pivots, focusing on the courage it takes to commit to the leap. This week’s blog features Tracy Gnadinger’s journey shifting career paths after a job loss. Read on to see how she reached her a-ha moment.

4 Ways to Make the Most Out of Your Summer Internship

4 Ways to Make the Most Out of Your Summer Internship

Summer internships provide relevant experience and professional relationships that will set you up for success post-college. They’re critical to understanding the layout of the professional world, so use your summer internship to do more than the job description. Follow these four tips, and you’ll automatically impress the colleagues around you.

5 Steps to Put Yourself on the Right Career Path

5 Steps to Put Yourself on the Right Career Path

Niche Movement community member, Kalie Sabajo, wrote in to answer the Niche Movement’s latest community question: How did you use a moment of stagnation as inspiration to propel yourself forward? There’s nothing worse than going to work and feeling utterly stuck. You could be stuck in a toxic work environment, stuck in an unfulfilling position, or stuck in a rut. The Niche Movement seeks to help people escape that rut to find work that they love. Read Kalie’s story to find some inspiration of your own.

Solving The Underemployment Problem (Podcast)

Solving The Underemployment Problem (Podcast)

The Niche Movement founder Kevin O'Connell and Forbes contributor Jessica Lutz discuss the issue of underemployment. Jessica’s main advice for young people trying to get a job is to keep at it. It can take a long time, but if you keep pursuing your goals, a door will be opened for you.