Please Take Our 2015 Reader Survey

We want to ensure our platform does the best possible job of answering your needs and interests. And that means we need to hear from you who inspire us to continue to spread this movement.

To do that, we’ve created our 2015 Reader Survey.

Niche.Movement.Survey.Kevin.OConnell.HateMyJob.Washington DC.jpg

Would you please take a couple of minutes to fill out the survey? By doing so, you will ultimately be helping yourself. Why? Because you will be helping The Niche Movement create content even more interesting and relevant to you.

Your input is important to us. The survey is easy to fill out, and the results are completely anonymous unless you want to include your email at the end. And in that case, we will draw 3 winners to send a Niche Movement package of goodies to you.

And you can finish in under 3  minutes.

Thanks in advance for your help. 

The Niche Movement team – Kevin, Emilie, Rachel, and Robyn.